Monday, January 22, 2007

Carlsbad Marathon

It was a beautiful morning for the Carlsbad Marathon! Here's a picture of our intrepid Organic Athlete group who participated in the half marathon: Cynthia, Marissa, Dustine, Jim, Kathy, and Michele. Marissa and Jim were there to support the team, having joined us as "sweepers" on their bicycles during the Sunday training runs.

Dustine said that she found the last three miles very challenging. Congratulations to Dustine for finishing the race, even though she had a strained IT band three weeks prior to the race and got to ride on the back end of the beach cruiser for a portion of that 12-mile training run.

Kathy rode for 50 of the 100-mile Stagecoach Century ride the weekend before. She took a spill and bruised her ribs. A big organic carrot to her for running and finishing this 13.1 mile race!

Michele also rode in that chilly Century ride last weekend. Perhaps she would have been well protected from any fall with her 7+ layers of clothing. The Marathon race weather was much more ideal.

Congratulations to all Organic Athletes and I hope to train with you and participate in the La Jolla Half Marathon in April!