Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Low Tide at Sunset Cliffs

This past weekend was very low tide in San Diego. It won't be this low again until October.

So Larry and I took a long walk along the shore, exploring the new worlds exposed. We saw fish darting in between rocks. Sea anemones and barnacles were more visible. Dogs and families were enjoying the fresh terrain and fresh smells.

I spoke with a surfer who said that it was very glassy out in the water. How does the low tide affect surfing? There are smaller swells. Still, there were many surfers out enjoying the conditions.

It was a gorgeous afternoon to just take in all the beauty and contemplate all the amazing details.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Happy Birthday with no work scheduled

It's nice when you're not scheduled to work on your birthday! So I filled my day with things I like to do, and then some.

Ikebana flower arranging is a very popular class (over 30 people) held in Clairemont. Here's a picture of me with our Sensi, Akiko Bourland. This week's arrangement included forsythia, dutch irises, and solidago. The irises are open today and perhaps the forsythia will leaf out more.

After class, Janice and Norm took me out to lunch at the nearby Thai Time III off Genesee Avenue. They have a very nice lunch special which we all enjoyed. Norm and Janice both tried the green curry with tofu. I tried the spicy basil dish vegetarian style (all vegetables.)

Later that day, I went up to the Toby Wells YMCA to try their cycling class. That was the first time I tried a "spin" class and I liked it very much. The music certainly helps and the instructor mixes it up nicely. The hour went by relatively quickly.

I EARNED some dessert! Our neighbors, Reba and Jay, and Larry and I went over to Heaven-Sent Desserts in North Park for an evening birthday treat. Larry and I split the vegan pecan cookie and a cup of decaf. We need to walk, go to the gym, or clean house furiously to work off calories at the wonderful dessert places available in town: Extraordinary Desserts, Heaven-Sent, and the dessert case and vegan soft serve at Kung-Food.