Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Face Time, Space Time

I'm dog sitting / cat sitting / house sitting this week. Dylan the standard poodle is very clinggy and needs a lot of face time. Angel, the toy poodle, on the other hand, needs her space. Maybe you can see her above Dylan's nose on the other side of the pool.

Angel and I have made great progress in that she joins me in the living room in the evening to watch some television. By join, I mean that she's on top of a chair by the fireplace and she tollerates me sitting in the same room on the far end of the couch. Really, we've come to an understanding that I can put her on the leash to be taken out, she doesn't like to be picked up, and it's nice to be fed "tv tray style" on the couch. I'm not taking great liberties; her mommy spoils her too.

The trick to getting a good night's sleep is to tire Dylan out. He slept good last night after swimming laps and taking a walk around the neighborhood.

My Dad asked, "Does this mean you'll be getting a dog?" I think this means that I most definitely will not be getting a dog. Got plenty of dog right here if I need a fix.