Sunday, May 25, 2008

Compass Lake Block Party

This is the second year that the neighborhood signed a permit to close off the street for the day. They set up grills, canopies, chairs and tables in front of 3 or 4 houses for the block party. Their kids have a lot of energy or the sight of a bouncy house brings it out. We had rain the day before and even sprinkles this morning, but the day warmed up and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it was another beautiful day in San Diego.

They arranged for our local fire station to make a visit. This is the 1,925th fire engine that the city has purchased (I asked about "1925" on the back; the department was established in 1889.) This truck is outfitted for home and brush fires as well as emergency and rescue at Cowles Mountain. There are two engines at our "34" station. After getting the tour and hefting one of the fire hose nozzles, I am very impressed with their knowledge and strength.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beautiful Day

Wow-wee! We had three days of 90+ degree heat. Sure, it's dry heat, so it REALLY feels like an oven. The kitties managed to find cool spots, but they were still instinctively drawn to the sun and the slider. At least Ccino had the good sense to lie in the shade under his canape.

One day later and the temperature was PERFECT. I had the car window down and realized how really beautiful it was. The temperature read 72 degrees. It was perfect! Our backyard is loving it too. The star jasmine is flowering and permeating the air with a sticky-sweet flowery scent. The nasturtiums from seed have a yellow and a red-pink flowers. The bird of paradise put up a flower. Tropical scents, colors, and shapes!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Father's day

Happy Mother's Day! But I didn't get a mother's day photo. No mouse clutching a violet left on my back stoop. No other cat presents found in the house. It was a nice, quiet, relaxing day of little work. Eat, Nap, Play (or take a few walks, as we did.)

We've made up the word "Napazol" which is the spinal fluid in a cat which causes them to sleep 18 hours a day. When there are a few cats around us, we often succumb to the ambient Napazol.

Mother's Day update: Later in the day I did find a present on the bed. Wooster carries this fluffy tufted toy around in his mouth and makes that "mewling" sound. Usually it just makes it to the bedroom and each day I take it back out to the living room container of cat toys. Today it made it up on the bed. Sweethearts.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Early Squash in the Mist

When we see tomato plants in the garden centers we get excited. While we may not fully understand the growing seasons here in San Diego, if it's in the garden center it must be okay, right? That day in April we bought some tomato plant seedlings and some packets of seeds.

I planted two hills of squash but didn't label them. One hill has three plants the other has only one. Larry was wondering which was which (summer squash or zucchini) and I said we'll just have to wait and see. Here it is the beginning of May the the three-plant hill has the yellow summer squash. We got some rain last night and it is misty this morning. Still, it's been very dry here for the past month and we collect the shower water to water the plants.