Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rolling along with the earthquake

By the time that you recognize that it's an earthquake, it's over. With today's technology, you can turn on the television and the local news station is already covering the event. They were able to report on size (5.6 downgraded to 5.4), the location (Chino Hills outskirts of LA, 110 miles N of San Diego) and any damage (little, water mains mostly.)

At the time (11:42am Tues), I was at work on the computer at an elevated desk on a questionable Ikea stool. By the time you've acknowledged that the screws aren't coming out, a big truck is not driving by, you have a few split seconds to enjoy the rolling sensation of this earthquake. It's not like being in a car on an overpass. Well, they could be like that, but with this it was more of a rolling, undulating feeling, not so bouncy.

I've experienced a few quakes since moving to San Diego and they've all had their slight quirks. Driving on the 163, it felt like you were a little disconnected from the road for an instant. "I feel the earth, move, under my feet . . ." Sitting on the futon in a second floor condo, it seemed like I could see a wave of vibration making it's way around the walls of the living room. It was the middle of the day and I was completely lucid and sober!

Larry said the cats were not phased in the least. They just continued on with their naps. Cappuccino is very handsome and you can't photograph an earthquake. So here you are.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Visit from Oregon

Reba's nieces, Halley & Natalie are down from Oregon spending a whopping 17 days with their auntie. They came over for a swim on Sunday and had so much fun. They were laughing and swimming and playing and splashing. By the time they got out, it hit them; they were tired. They do hope to have time for another visit before they leave at the end of the month.

Friday, July 11, 2008

20 Years

Larry says he can't imagine doing anything for 20 years. Hard to believe that much time has gone by since we said "I do." But then I love Larry more and more each day, so I'm bursting with happiness.

The most important thing is to be kind. I have not found an occasion or situation where the Golden Rule doesn't apply. Want someone to respect you? Respect them.

We didn't do any big traditional thing like take a trip or even go out to eat (two things Larry is not very fond of and I can respect that) because we just bought a house. Living in southern California is permanent vacation. We like to celebrate on the eve of holidays, so we ordered take-out. We eat salads most nights and our heirloom tomato provided us with a heart-shaped fruit for the occasion. This particular variety is named "Mortgage Buster". Maybe as we improve the soil, it will bear an abundance of fruit, similar to 20 years of marriage. Awww!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July

OMG! This is the best picture of Larry ever!
Can I have some of your eye-openness?

At 6pm, we walked over to Lake Murray for their July 4th Music Fest and Fireworks. We met Cynthia & Patti with Angel & Dylan and walked around the lake to get to the community park where they had a big sound stage set up. We caught the last band, Liquid Blue, who performed a wide variety of covers from Madonna to Led Zeppelin. Toward the end of the concert, we started walking back to catch the fireworks and have a shorter walk home. The dogs weren't too bothered by the fireworks. Angel is so old she's probably a little hard of hearing. Dylan was nervous at first, but then he settled down and watched the show.