Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome Josie

A friend couldn't keep Josie any more, so we went to the Humane Society on Monday to rescue her. She's a chihuahua/Italian greyhound mix. We and the kitties have known Josie for her six years, so it should be an easy transition. Still true:
  1. Josie is a ladies lady. If I'm not home, she's with Betty, not hanging out with Larry.
  2. Josie is smart. I didn't think it was possible, but she has been taught not to scarf down the cats' crunchy bowls that are all around. Exception: anything on the floor is fair game.
  3. Josie likes to snuggle. Thankfully, she has also been trained to sleep in her crate and doesn't have to be with you shifting under the covers all night.
  4. Cappuccino has stepped up as Alpha cat to maintain the cat space. No crazy puppy hijinks within 6 feet of Alphaccino.
That's a yawn in the picture, but if you want to come up with your own caption . . . .
  1. Easy with the Spock touch, Betty-san.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dead grass and more in the neighborhood on Halloween night.

Neighbors kneeding the camera.

Meet Ladybug and Little Dead Riding Hood,

and her brother the big bad wolf!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My excuse

My aunt asked if I've uploaded pictures of my trip back east. I really hadn't posted anything since JUNE! I guess I've been too busy with work. And if work has you taking photos of beautiful places and writing about them, well, it's not something you think of doing in your spare time. Not that I'm complaining, just giving a lame excuse.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

FINALLY a visit back east

I had a wonderful visit back east to visit family! My sister came down in the beginning of the week with Ryan and Ashley. Besides a visit with an ol' Travelers friend, I really had a nice time getting my parents settled into their "new" cottage. The remodel looks wonderful! It was really a wonderful week, despite my mom thinking that I worked the whole time. Like her neighbor Lucille says, "Don't wait so long next time!"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cappuccino has Betty trained

It didn't take long for Betty to learn that Cappuccino demands to be groomed. And it didn't take long for Cappuccino to learn how to go up to Betty and ask nicely. Now he just needs to stop circling and moving away so she can do a proper job.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Truetts come to San Diego

Bill and Betty decided that they've had enough of New Hampshire winters and took Larry up on his offer that San Diego was a beautiful place to live. They moved out in July, which is the start of our "worst" season, when you have to run the air conditioner because it can get into the 90s. They really appreciate being able to live with us AND THE CATS! They weren't too thrilled with me taking their picture until I started mentioning the cats, then I got a smile out of both of them!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I had a craving to make cupcakes and I imagined my neighbor's would be willing to help. I gave Ian and Corrine the cookbook to look through: "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World." They chose a variation on the basic chocolate cupcake: Cookies and Cream cupcakes. I had to pick up some cocoa and Newman-O's and on Sunday afternoon, we got started. From batter to cookie on top it took us a little less than 2 hours. Ian is graduating 6th grade, so he saved the cupcakes for that celebration on Monday. He decorated his cupcake with a half cookie just like in the picture in the cookbook.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Here's Wooster seeking the highest vantage point.

Earlier this week, I heard a cat fight in the back yard. It turns out that a coyote attacked a neighborhood cat, tragic and sad. Even if your cat thinks s/he knows best and wants to go outside, understand and be willing to accept the risks (preditor or Prius).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Zauchas in San Clemente

We got to see two college friends this spring, Randy and now Jim. Laurie and Jim were out in California this past week and we got to meet up in Orange County for dinner. Jim, Courtney, and Ryan met up with us on Thursday night for Mexican. It was a wonderful visit, their mini-me's are very special, and I'll just stick to posed people pictures versus candids.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Celebrate pi day!

Randy had a vacation planned to San Diego for some golf at Torrey Pines and baseball. He came out early to visit with us. We drove out to see the desert wildflowers by way of the mountain town of Julian. It was a perfect day for it, 55 degrees in Julian and 80 degrees when we got down to the desert. 4000 foot elevation change; it's like I flew in a plane and my ears popped. what?!

Julian is one place in Southern California where they can grow apples (a token amount) and a cottage industry of apple pie shops popped up. They import the apples for the pies. So here we are in Julian on March 14th, 03/14, eating pie on pi day, 3.14! I remember Randy saying that once but I forgot it. Hilarious, whoo-hoo!