Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome Josie

A friend couldn't keep Josie any more, so we went to the Humane Society on Monday to rescue her. She's a chihuahua/Italian greyhound mix. We and the kitties have known Josie for her six years, so it should be an easy transition. Still true:
  1. Josie is a ladies lady. If I'm not home, she's with Betty, not hanging out with Larry.
  2. Josie is smart. I didn't think it was possible, but she has been taught not to scarf down the cats' crunchy bowls that are all around. Exception: anything on the floor is fair game.
  3. Josie likes to snuggle. Thankfully, she has also been trained to sleep in her crate and doesn't have to be with you shifting under the covers all night.
  4. Cappuccino has stepped up as Alpha cat to maintain the cat space. No crazy puppy hijinks within 6 feet of Alphaccino.
That's a yawn in the picture, but if you want to come up with your own caption . . . .
  1. Easy with the Spock touch, Betty-san.