Sunday, March 28, 2010

This is one cool cat. Puffin is pretty laid back and just ignores Josie unless she happens to confuse Puffin with a dog who actually wants to play. Then it's time to swat if we have to put Josie in her place. Here, Josie can hang and enjoy a nyla-bone with Puffin.

Good news for Puffin & Larry this week: He's off insulin for two weeks. His dosage was steadily declining while on the new wet food diet (Puffin, that is). Good news for Larry as he was the trooper administering the needles.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Josie and the pussy cats

All of a sudden, there we were, all hanging out on the bed together. Josie has learned some cat etiquette and keeps to herself when in the presence of felines. Exception: it's cool to hang with the Puffster.

Josie has learned how to be-have around the cats. The wrath of Ccino is too intimidating. Wooster has picked up on these defensive hissing tactics rather than the earlier flight technique. This was a sweet moment not seen before or since.