Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Elvis is in the house

We are going to Balboa Park tonight for a potluck with other stroke survivors ("Comebacker's Club"). Then as part of the Twilight in the Park series, we will heads over to the organ pavilion to see Graceland – An Elvis Presley Tribute. See there site at

Because I'm from Cali now, I am dressing warmer for the cold nights after sundown. For the first time, I put on jeans and a white long-sleeved blouse in almost two months. I think that, like Sue Silvester of "Glee', I will stick to track suits. Yoga pants, t-shirt, and (gasp) pajamas are more my style of the moment.

(Reba read the blog and came down for the concert. How-cool-is-that? )

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Artability class

Larry said that my art side finally had a chance to come out.

This was from last week's art class. I painted violets on wax paper (to trace on templates.)

I continue to paint at home too.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One month and day by day

I would like to thank all of the folks who sent me loads of cards and flowers, rebuses too. Now I'm home and can commit myself to typing one letter at a time on a goofy keyboard.

The first week of rehab is today, 3 hours worth, 2 days a week. Try to act professional ("Bad Santa").

On a side note, these are things more important to me:
  • Be more patient
  • Spam (never was)
  • My day job (still love it & the people)
(Ashasia is still a problem)