Sunday, September 25, 2005

Percy and Ccino get their teeth cleaned

Californians have the most beautiful teeth. My dentist said that at least half of his patients have had their teeth whitened. It would be strictly for vanity, but it does look more natural in this gorgeous southern California climate. We do take good care of our teeth and get them cleaned twice a year as recommended. I’ve always had a wonderful experience at the dentist and look forward to the visits.

The same may be said for our cats’ visit to get their teeth cleaned. Our Veterinarian recommended that Cappuccino get some of the tartar cleaned from his teeth. He did not need any extractions. Rather than have him put under ansthesia, we took him to see JoEllen Craglione of Gentle Dental. She visits several San Diego business locations once a month to offer her service. I took Percy and Cappuccino to The Original Paw Pleasers in North Park. Her business card says “No anesthesia, Lotsa love” and, boy is that true. Granted, we have the sweetest little darlings in the world, but JoEllen has a way with cats and dogs which makes it a great experience. The cats remained very calm. They arrived back home and went about their normal day. Time for a(nother) cat nap.

Our dentist asked for the Gentle Dental business card for their two dogs. I find it ironic that the dentist does not clean their dogs’ teeth. Meow.