Friday, September 30, 2005

Wooster takes a bath

Wooster is getting a little more neurotic every day. He’s always liked to eat away from the other cats. He walks to the other side of the front room and waits for you to bring the food bowl over to him. He would probably like to be an only cat, but not in this lifetime, not in this house, not right now, sorry.

After he eats in the morning, he likes to go to the little green rug in the bathroom to groom himself. Today I noticed that he was peeking into the bathtub. He hopped in on his own; if you try to put that cat somewhere, he would rather be any place else. He jumped into the dry bathtub and proceeded to groom himself. He may well be the smartest cat we’ve ever had. He also sings to me when I’m in the shower, but he’s not interested in that much water. Or like I said in the beginning, a very neurotic cat.