Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Blazin' Hot Rod

Each day puts something familiar in a whole new light.

Larry and I head south for our afternoon walks. Just north of Balboa Park and Morley Field are some lovely craftsman style homes. It’s delightful to walk through these neighborhoods to see their personal gardens and latest renovations. This time of year, we walk around looking for festive Halloween decorations. There are a few homes with giant spider webs, tombstones, and pumpkins on display.

By heading south, we have to cross University Avenue. We always cross at a small mechanic’s shop with used cars on the lot. There is a lot of turn-over in inventory, but this blazin’ hot rod has been on the lot for many weeks and perhaps it’s not for sale. I’ve admired it in the past, but today it really stood out as the best Halloween decoration in the whole neighborhood.