Friday, November 23, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

We closed on Monday, moved on Wednesday, and are rather settled in by Friday!

The close in California means escrow closed, loan funded; no documents to sign, no exchange of keys. The seller let us bring over a few fragile items that we didn't want handled by the movers. Otherwise, we had to amuse ourselves until Wednesday morning when the movers came.

Larry headed over with the four kitties at 8:00 a.m. while I stayed back at the condo to help the movers load up the truck. "Why did you get stuck with this?" one mover asked. Oh, no, Larry is on the receiving end. By 11:00 a.m., he called to say it's all unloaded. Wow! Worth every penny! We used their wardrobe boxes (which I had to load and Larry had to unload) to pack clothes right on the hanger, towels, sheets, bedding, and wacky loose items. That was six boxes already unloaded by the time I got home from my shift at the All Vegan store.

Nothing like a move to trigger that nesting instinct. I don't like the transition phase, living out of boxes, so I worked like a true domestic godess to clean and get everything unpacked. Getting the kitties settled was important too. Wooster may loose a little of his belly; he's really loving the extra running room. Percy the lounge lizard managed to get his many hours of sleep on the bed. Puffin the racoon is more nocturnal and mostly hid under the bed until night when he came out to explore. And as you can see by the picture below, Ccino adjusted very nicely just in time to enjoy a sunspot.