Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ccino Dradle

T'was the night before Christmas and the cats opened catnip mice, a gift from Larry's parents. Cappuccino was batting it around and tossing it in the air, he was a little spinning dradle himself:

Oh, Ccino, ccino, ccino
my little ball of fur
oh, ccino, ccino, ccino,
he has a frothy purr
[repeat until silly]

Sing it really fast and child-like. Here's the tune to the Dradle song if you need it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Charger Christmas

It's a tradition to get together with Jay & Reba at a Mexican restaurant for the holidays. This year, they came out to east suburbia to see the new casa and dine at Casa de Pico. It was great to see them and catch up and over-eat. It gets us out of the house, out from under the afghans and kitties, too.

On the way home was this tremendous display of lights on Jackson Drive. I ran down there with my camera to get some pictures and met a neighbor who was out walking. The familiar phrase: He adds a little more each year was mentioned. On closer inspection, you can see that he decorated the ficus as a San Diego Chargers football helmet and on a different angle you can see "him" receiving the football. The motion of the lights and the height of the palm tree lighting is quite impressive too!
Feliz Navidad!

Saturday, December 8, 2007


We had an Italian mouse in the house. I walked into the kitchen and heard crunch, crunch, crunch coming from the pantry. I didn't actually see the mouse, but I had evidence to clean up. He bypassed the sunflower seeds and bit holes into two bags of penne-shaped pasta. I don't know what his preference was, whole wheat or semolina.

I gave the cats one day, leaving the cabinet door open. In all fairness, it wasn't an attraction for the mouse anymore, with all the non-mouse-proof containers removed, only jars and cans remaining. I went to the All Vegan Store in University Height to purchase a Humane Mouse Trap. I baited it with peanut butter on a thin slice of bread (didn't have crackers). How embarrassing that we have to do this with four cats in the house.

Next morning, I had a tiny little mouse in the house, green house trap that is. I rushed over to Cowles Mountain to release him with his little peanut butter snack. He was a tiny mouse; I have no idea if he's part of a family or traveling solo. I'll have to go around looking for dime-size holes to plug up with steel wool. I'll have to get more mouse-proof containers for all my pantry items. This humane mouse trap is really most humane and least stressful for all involved. Wouldn't want the four kitties to get worked up.