Monday, August 25, 2008

Doggie sitting and swimming

My aunt called Saturday morning to talk before she headed down to the Connecticut coastline to see her sister. Sue was throwing a back-to-school last hurrah. Debbie said she would like to come as long as she didn't have to go back to school. Would my cousin and her five children be there? Yes, all my cousins. It'll be fun to get an update.

Meanwhile, I was doggie sitting mid-day on both weekend days. On Sunday, Larry thought he'd come over and bring his trunks. He got a lesson on having dogs in the family. He got into the pool. Well of course the puppies wanted to come in too. I strapped on their jackets and helped them in. Hadley is a good little swimmer while Benny plays king of the island. Dylan the standard poodle was there too and swam in the water without a jacket. He's become a strong swimmer since I've seen him last summer.

When Larry's blood sugar felt low, he asked if there were any bananas. I know bananas are one of their favorite treats, but Larry didn't. He was quite surprised to have the attention of Sam the boxer, Benny & Hadley. You have to give them each a piece. They schooled Larry.