Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Better than ever!

My two therapists and Tiffany at the Challenge Center are tuning my walking.   I need to strengthen my left hip abductor, my lower abs, and my knee rather than locking it out (ligaments).  I have an anterior tilt to my pelvis and have to tuck it in ("hi-beams").  I'm going to walk better than ever!

Enough about therapy, lorikeets are a hoot!  Like Puffin on catnip, lorikeets have a fondness for nectar. (This photo was taken back in 2005 when my sister, niece and nephew came out to visit.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Law of Attraction

I watched "The Secret" again.  I watched it with a friend when it first came out (2006).

You place your order with the universe: Ask
Have unwavering faith:  Believe
Feeling good puts yourself in the Frequency of what it is you are wanting, generate the feeling:  Receive

So now I'm thinking more positive thoughts.  I wrote down what I'm thankful for, what I appreciate, what I C-A-N do and what I aspire to achieve.  Adopt a attitude of gratitude.

  • I will walk fast and unaided
  • My balance keeps improving
  • I will walk around lake Murray
  • My spasticity lessens every day
  • the AFO is only temporary, I won't need it
  • I will eat with my right hand
  • my body is capable of a lot!
I thought of another one that night:  I am brave.  I was attracting the negative "I'm afraid of" when it came to balance and my foot turning under/in.  "Brave" is better.

"Energy flows where attention goes."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mini Roses memo clip

Laura the instructor made over 150 blocks for other painting classes that she teaches, whoa! She did a lot of sanding. The block is only an inch and a half square.  

Can you tell it's a rose? I couldn't do the third level of petals, couldn't be more detailed with the left hand. We used #6 brushes which are about 1/4-inches wide. Usually we use #12 (1/2-inch) and 3/4-inch brushes.  

The bottom picture shows more of the detail and is in better focus.